Saturday, May 8, 2010

Italian Musings!

Last Night in the eternal city! So, some quick thoughts about my 4 days in Rome

1. Big one-page maps rock! Forget the maps in guidebooks or fancy “City” Moleskins, all you need is a big one-page map that you can pick up at any hotel.

2. I’m internet dependent (*not addicted… just dependent!) It was so nice to be able to receive encouraging words from people back home, hear what they are doing, post some pictures, and best of all, see and hear my two girls on Skype!

3. Italians are one big Benetton ad! Italians, generally, always look well put together. The standard “young” Italian look? Dark skinny jeans, black top, fancy jacket, good hair and Chuck Taylors.

4. Traveling alone sucks. Although I got to do and see probably more than I would have been able to do with a traveling companion, I would definitely gladly trade it for a friend to explore with, talk to, and eat with!

5. When I needed a break, to get out of the rain, or just find someplace to sit – I always seemed to find myself in a cathedral. I must have walked into a dozen different churches. And each time, it was a welcome surprise. Rome is absolutely filled with a church on every main street and corner. They are all open, allowing tourists to see the some amazing art (Raphael, Bernini, etc.) And maybe that’s what EVERY church should be like. Sanctuary. A place to rest, find shelter, and experience beauty.

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